
Memory Management in Linux with ps

Zachary Carciu

Test your knowledge! There's an interactive quiz at the end of this article.


Using ps Command in Linux for Memory Management

Memory management is a fundamental aspect of Linux system administration, and the ps command is one of the most versatile tools available for this purpose. By using ps, you can view detailed information about running processes, including their memory usage, CPU consumption, and more. Whether you are troubleshooting memory issues, identifying resource-intensive processes, or simply monitoring system performance, ps provides a robust set of options to help you gain insights into your system’s behavior.

In this article, we will explore how to effectively use the ps command to manage and optimize memory usage. You’ll learn how to sort processes by memory consumption, filter specific processes, customize the output, and combine ps with other commands for advanced analysis. Mastering ps will enhance your ability to maintain a stable and efficient Linux environment.

Using the ps Command

The ps command is a foundational tool in Linux that provides detailed information about the processes running on your system. By utilizing various options and filters, you can pinpoint memory issues or other process-related concerns. Here are some additional ways to use ps effectively for memory management:

1. Understanding the Output of ps aux

The ps aux command outputs several columns. Key columns related to memory management include:

  • %MEM: The percentage of physical memory used by the process.
  • VSZ: The virtual memory size of the process in kilobytes.
  • RSS: The resident set size, which represents the non-swapped physical memory used by the process.

For example:

ps aux

The output will include entries like this:

root         1  0.0  0.1  16932  1028 ?        Ss   10:00   0:01 /sbin/init

2. Filtering Specific Processes

To isolate specific processes consuming significant memory, you can combine ps with grep. For example, to find all instances of the python process:

ps aux | grep python

3. Displaying Processes with High Memory Usage

To display only the top processes by memory consumption:

ps aux --sort=-%mem | head

This command lists the top memory-consuming processes, making it easier to identify resource hogs.

4. Customizing the Output of ps

The ps command allows customization of the columns displayed using the -o option. For instance:

ps -eo pid,comm,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem

This command displays only the process ID (PID), command name, memory usage percentage, and CPU usage percentage, sorted by memory usage.

5. Combining ps with Other Tools

You can use ps in conjunction with other commands like awk to extract specific data. For example, to calculate the total memory usage of all processes:

ps aux | awk '{sum += $4} END {print sum "%"}'

This snippet sums up the values in the %MEM column, giving an overall memory usage percentage.

6. Monitoring Memory in Real-Time

While ps is a snapshot tool (providing data at a specific point in time), you can run it repeatedly using a loop for continuous monitoring:

watch -n 1 'ps aux --sort=-%mem | head'

This command updates the process list every second, offering a near real-time view of memory usage.

Practical Tips:

  • Pair ps with kill to terminate memory-hogging processes (discussed later in this guide).
  • Use ps as part of a larger workflow, such as saving output to a file for further analysis:
    ps aux --sort=-%mem > memory_usage.txt
  • Check out How to use the kill command

By mastering the ps command and its numerous options, you can gain granular insights into your system’s processes and their memory consumption, enabling more effective troubleshooting and optimization.


Test Your Knowledge

Test your knowledge on memory management using the ps command in Linux.

What is the primary purpose of the `ps` command in Linux?

How can you filter processes to find all instances of a specific program, like `python`?

Which column in the `ps aux` output indicates the percentage of physical memory used by a process?

What does the `-o` option in the `ps` command allow you to do?

What practical tip is suggested for dealing with memory-hogging processes?
