
How to use the Linux kill command

Zachary Carciu

How to use the Linux kill command

The Linux ‘kill’ command is a powerful tool for terminating processes in a Linux system. Understanding how to use this command is necessary for when your processes are behaving poorly and need to be terminated, for efficiently managing processes, and improving system performance. In this article, we will cover step-by-step instructions on how to kill a process or multiple processes using the kill command. We will also explain the different signals that can be sent to processes and provide advanced tips, such as killing processes by name or using signal numbers. By understanding the kill command, you can effectively manage processes in Linux and help ensure smooth system operation.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Identify the process ID (PID) of the process you want to kill:
    • To find the PID of a process, you can use the ps command with options like aux to list all processes running on the system.
    • For example, run the command:
      ps aux | grep <process_name>
      to find the PID of a specific process.
    • You can run ps aux | head -1 to see the ps headers
  1. Use the kill command to terminate a process by PID:

    • Syntax:
      kill <PID>
    • Example:
      kill 1234
    • This will send the default signal (SIGTERM) to the process with PID 1234, asking it to terminate gracefully.
  2. Send a different signal to a process using kill:

    • To send a specific signal to a process, use the -<signal_number> option with the kill command.
    • Example:
      kill -9 1234
    • This will send the SIGKILL signal to the process with PID 1234, forcing it to immediately terminate.
  3. Kill multiple processes at once:

    • You can kill multiple processes by specifying their PIDs separated by spaces.
    • Example:
      kill 1234 5678 9101
    • This will terminate processes with PIDs 1234, 5678, and 9101 simultaneously.
  1. Kill a process by name:

    • If you know the name of the process you want to kill, you can use the pkill command.
    • Syntax:
      pkill <process_name>
    • Example:
      pkill firefox
    • This will send the default signal (SIGTERM) to all processes with the name ‘firefox’.
  2. View available signals for the kill command:

    • To see a list of available signals that can be sent to processes, use the kill -l command.
    • Example:
      kill -l
    • This will display a list of signal names and their corresponding numbers.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effectively use the kill command to manage processes in Linux and improve system performance.


The ‘kill’ command in Linux is a versatile tool for managing processes on a system. It allows users to terminate processes gracefully or forcefully by sending different signals to them. Understanding the different signals that can be sent with the kill command is crucial for effectively managing processes.

The default signal sent by the kill command is SIGTERM, which asks the process to terminate gracefully. This signal allows the process to clean up any resources it is using before exiting. However, in some cases, a process may not respond to the SIGTERM signal, requiring a more forceful termination.

One of the most commonly used signals for forcefully terminating a process is SIGKILL, which can be sent by using the -9 option with the kill command. This signal immediately terminates the process without allowing it to clean up resources, making it useful for unresponsive or problematic processes.


In addition to sending signals by number, users can also use the pkill command to terminate processes by name. This is useful when the PID of a process is not known, but its name is. By specifying the name of the process as an argument to pkill, users can send signals to all processes with that name.

Overall, understanding how to use different signals with the kill command allows users to effectively manage processes in Linux and ensure smooth system operation. By mastering the kill command, users can efficiently troubleshoot issues, improve system performance, and maintain a stable environment.

Practical Examples

  • To gracefully terminate a process with PID 1234:
    kill 1234
  • To forcefully terminate a process with PID 1234 using SIGKILL:
    kill -9 1234
  • To terminate multiple processes with PIDs 1234, 5678, and 9101 simultaneously:
    kill 1234 5678 9101
  • To terminate all processes with the name ‘firefox’ using SIGTERM:
    pkill firefox

Advanced Tips

  1. Killing processes by name with pgrep:

    • The pgrep command can be used to find the PID of a process by its name. This can be combined with the kill command to terminate processes based on their names.
    • Example:
      kill $(pgrep <process_name>)
    • This command will find the PID of the process with the specified name and send a signal to terminate it.
  2. Using signal numbers for specific actions:

    • Each signal sent by the kill command has a corresponding number. By using signal numbers instead of names, users can perform specific actions on processes.
    • Example:
      kill -15 1234
    • Sending signal number 15 (SIGTERM) to process 1234 will request it to gracefully terminate.
  1. Handling child processes with the kill command:

    • When a parent process spawns child processes, terminating the parent may not terminate all child processes. Use the pkill command with the -P flag to handle this scenario.
    • Example:
      pkill -P 1234
    • This command will terminate all processes with parent PID 1234.
  2. Customizing signal actions with kill:

    • Users can create custom signals and actions using the trap command in shell scripts. This allows for more control over how processes respond to signals.
    • Example:
      trap "echo 'Custom action executed'" SIGUSR1
    • This will execute the custom action when the process receives the SIGUSR1 signal.
  3. Using signal chaining for complex actions:

    • Signal chaining involves sending multiple signals to a process in a specific order. This can be useful for handling complex process termination scenarios.
    • Example:
      kill -s SIGTERM 1234 && sleep 5 && kill -s SIGKILL 1234
    • This command sends a SIGTERM signal, waits for 5 seconds, and then sends a SIGKILL signal to process 1234.

By exploring these advanced tips and techniques for using the kill command in Linux, users can gain more control over process management and handle complex scenarios with ease. Experimenting with these features will enhance your proficiency in managing processes effectively on a Linux system.


In conclusion, mastering the Linux ‘kill’ command is crucial for efficiently managing processes and improving system performance. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, users can easily terminate processes using different signals and techniques. Additionally, exploring advanced tips and techniques for using the kill command can enhance your proficiency in process management on a Linux system. We encourage readers to continue exploring related topics and experimenting with the features discussed to further improve their skills in managing processes effectively.

For more information on process management in Linux, consider visiting Linux Documentation.
